Monday, July 30, 2007

Eliott - A dream involving Harry Potter, Jen, and Bucky

I had the most messed up dream last night, and it involved both Jen and Harry Potter... and Bucky. Since this blog has temporarily taken on a slight Harry Potter theme, I thought I might share my dream.

I run to the casino (located in a St Laurent synagogue) in a frantic hurry. Something is wrong. when I get there, Jen is very distraught and frightened. I look at her slot machine, and see that there is a lot of money in the winnings tray, consisting entirely of tokens from a video game arcade. I also notice a few papers, that I know are of the utmost importance for some reason. In a hurry, I grab a money bag out of nowhere, and stuff all the tokens in there, hiding the papers in between the tokens.

Suddenly, 3 death eaters enter the casino, and see these papers (they magically rose to the top of the money bag) that they had been looking for. I don't remember exactly what happens next, but I think I apparate (or run away like a sissy) to my grandfather's old apartment. Worried, I call Jen, asking if she's ok. She sounds fine. I then notice Bucky, wandering around outside the apartment building. He's been shaved almost to the skin. In retrospect, it looked pretty hilarious, but in my dream, it was frightening.

I start talking to Bucky, who is running around meowing, but can't pick him up because I'm holding my cell phone. Jen hears me talking to Bucky, and tells me that there's no reason for me to be talking to Bucky, because he's not with her at the moment. I then explain to her that Bucky is right near me.

End of dream. And no, I wasn't doing crack.


Caitlin said...

haha I had to look up "apparate." That's an awesome dream. A casino in a synagogue on St Laurent? Weird....

Xig said...

This is cool.. I like how this blog has become not only Jen's, but also Eliott's as well, or maybe its a communal blog?. Very cool dream I must say. The stranger they are, the better!!